Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Key Trends for the New Millennium

The most important commodity and the biggest luxury of all today, without a doubt is time. Americans are time-impoversished. In a study by Kurt Salmon Associates, a New York retail consulting firm, 60 percent of those queried said they had less time for leisure, and 44 percent confessed that given the choice, they'd rather have more free time than more money!!

Americans have now surpassed the Japanese as the nation clocking in the most hours in a work week. What this means on the whole is the people are now keenly aware of the need to relax as well as the need to kick up their heels and really enjoy the free time they do have.

In this atmosphere, services win over products. Instead of acquiring more material goods, people want to spend money to create quality time for themselves and spend it with friends and family.

Any brand that can either save consumers time or enhance the quality of an experience of time spent will do well in the future.

According to recent statistics, seven out of ten Americans say they are relgious and consider spirtituality to be an important part of their lives. Seventy one percent of Americans still say they "never doubt the existence of God" (up 1 percent from 1987), 72 percent of Americns believe in heavenly beings, and 79 percnet belive in miracles. 69 percent of Americans now say that they are more interested in spiritual matters thay they were five years ago, and ther is an 80 percent increase i people paricipating in non-church spiritual groups.

People are no longer embarrased to speak about their spiritual affinities and private soul-seraching.

Cause Marketing-
The trend of cause marketing has hit, and hit big. The list of companies that smartly support causes that accurately reflect their consumers concerns is long: Apple, Avon , Wal-Mart, Procter and Gamble, Target, GE, Starbucks to name just a few! Ongoing surveys of consumer attitudes toward cause marketing confirm that these efforts pay off: 83 percent of Americans have a more positive image of companies that support an issue they care about, nearly two thirds say that when price and quality are equal, they would likely switch brands or retailers to those involved with a cause, and 68 percent say they would happily pay more for a product associated with a good cause. Get to know who your consumers really are, what really matter to them, and who them that you fell the same way.

Staying ahead in this new millennium requires a skillful and tactic approach. Without the necessary efforts for ongoing research, a company will find itself falling behind.

If you have any questions or need the technical support to reach you online audience, call EG entertainment today. Visit us at


Sunday, September 26, 2010

EG entertainment works on Mastercard Campaign

This past week was a good week for EG entertainment. Lots of positive
things happened this week, but one project in particular that stood out, was
our contribution to Indie Eye Productions, Mastercard campaign, for Univision Television.

We learned a lot from Director Sergio Guerrero, who has shot more than 500 commercials to this day. His niche for the Spanish market has led him to be one of the top Directors in the business. His trade mark camera movements and look were great to experience.

The crew was cool and the talent was even better. We breezed through the day with no problems. It was like clock work. One thing I really admired was the cohesiveness.

I must say, it was a very professional atmosphere. My good friend Marcelo Alvarez, Producer really set the tone. I look forward to working with these guys again. There is a bright future.

Till next time. ...


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EG entertainment is a diverse multimedia company who specialize in creative messaging through video, photography, motion graphics, text and audio.